Tuesday, January 1, 2013

Welcome to 2013

 Happy New Year to all my Friends.
Can you believe that another year has passed and it is 2013.

I have decided that this is My year.
My year to do the things that make Me happy.
My sewing room is screaming out for a little T.L.C. (or should I say a LOT of T.L.C.)
My garden is starting to come together, and I am really enjoying being out in it. Of course it is hydrangeas season, and it never fails to amaze me that I can have pink and blue blooms on the same bush.
At least I know that white will always be white.

I have planted English Lavender under my bedroom window, and for Christmas my darling husband gave me a gnome. I love Gnomes. Is that weird at my age?

I was also given the gift of herbs from some very special young friends.

So on the last day of 2012, I planted my herbs, made strawberry jam, and then enjoyed the company of some wonderful friends.
I love my home. It is so conducive to relaxing and having fun for both children and adults.
Both Matt and Hannah, and Jodie and Rachael have 2 Autistic boys each and they have spent the last 3 New Year's with us. As we always have Dane And Lydia at this time a year, the house is full happy and relaxed. What more could anyone ask for.

As I sit here writing this, Mark and Matt are dozing in comfy chairs, Hannah and Lydia are playing a board game and the boys are happily comparing game strategies in the TV room.
Welcome to the new year. Must be time for a cuppa.
Enjoy your day