Saturday, March 17, 2012

Look what I've got!!!

O.K., Ok. I know l promised to blog more, but l have a good reason why l haven't.
My trusty computer died on me. May it rest in peace.
How did we ever get to the stage in life where we couldn't live without one?
How sad my life has become!!!
Never fear. I have a new toy. I decided that l probably could do without an expensive laptop for awhile, so l took advantage of the pre iPad 3 sales.
I'm now the proud owner of an iPad 2.
That is when l can get it away from the grandchildren!

It's not a very clear photo, but you get the gist.

I started to blog last week, but found out that I needed an app to do that.
It's a whole new world that I have to learn about.
I may not like this as much as I did when I used my computer. Time will tell.

Ok. Now what else has been happening.
The twins were invited to there first birthday party on Saturday.
You would have thought it was Christmas. I have never seen them that excited.

They had a wonderful time (and so did I ). It was at the local park and a perfect place for a treasure hunt. The prize for each child was a bubble wand.
It was absolutely magic seeing the park fill with bubbles. The parents were having as much fun as the kids.
Must have something to do with getting in touch with our inner child.

Tahlia really got into the spirit of it all.

Today is my day.
Each Tuesday I spend the day with my girlfriends. These are all girls that I have met through patchwork. There is nothing more relaxing than spending the day talking, sewing, eating (and blogging).

There are 9 of us, and all the girls want to blog what we are working on. I will spend this week trying to learn more about blogging on the iPad and then we will be ready to share with you all.
So until then
Stay happy