Tuesday, November 2, 2010

It's Melbourne Cup Day!

It's Cup Day and the rain has not stopped. So much for spending the long week-end in the garden. My darling husband has turned over my veggie garden for me, (despite the fact that he is dying with a head cold) so at least when the rain stops for 5 minutes, I will be able to start planting.
It would have been just prefect if the weather had stayed like it was earlier in the week. It was true Spring weather.
The rhododendrons are starting to bloom.

The girls and their beau are loving scavenging in the garden.
As we have one of our grandsons living with us Monday to Friday, I thought it was time to start teaching him to cook.

We made salmon patties and Jordon had a wonderful time getting his hands into the egg whites and bread crumbs. I have to admit that they were delicious. Well done Jordy!

You won't believe it. The sun is trying to come out. I just went outside to check the veggie garden and took a couple of photos.

This is my veggie garden. With a quick rake over, it will be ready to plant up.

 And take a look at this rhody. This is the same one that I photographed earlier in the week.

It's in full bloom in under a week. It's amazing how a little bit of sunshine can transform the garden.

This is not my most spectacular specimen, but it is by far the biggest. At about 20 odd feet, it towers over some of the others.
Well the Melbourne Cup is about to run, so I am off to watch it. Will write again soon.
Until then, be happy!

Sunday, October 31, 2010

The week that was!

The rain has not stopped for the last two days, and quite honestly I love it. This is the perfect weather to catch up on the things I have been wanting to do at home. One being to tidy my sewing room so that I can be creative in there. The other is to catch up on my blogging.
I so want to tell you about my week.
It started with last Sunday. My darling husband organised my youngest son to come and cook brunch for me as a belated birthday celebration.

My macho chef son with his tattoos and pretty frilly apron.
You can tell he is his father's son. Always out to make you laugh. He brought one of his house mates, Taryn, along to help.They really whipped up a storm. Taryn made delicious pancakes and Luke cooked the rest of the makings for a Canadian breakfast ( my favourite)

Luke will make some-one a good husband one day( or is that a good wife?)
While Luke cooked, his Dad played games on Luke's I-Phone. Talk about role reversal!!!

I had to download this game for him on my phone after Luke left.
The weather was beautiful, the food was amazing and the company was wonderful. I think that was the first time that my eldest son, Marc, had brought his girlfriend, Sam, for a meal. And to top it off, the in-laws were very well behaved.(just kidding guys)
Mark then disappeared for a while and came back with a bunch of white roses.

He said that they represented a new beginning in our life. We are starting to take back control of our lives, from our kids.

So  a big THANK-YOU to Lukey and Taz for a wonderful meal and your uplifting company.
O.K. Ex factor has started, so I will write about the rest of the week tomorrow.
Until then, be happy!

Monday, October 18, 2010

I remembered.

As promised, I am posting a photo of the cross stitch dish that I bought at Cameo Corner.
Isn't it the cutest thing
As I said yesterday, Ann-Maree and I bought some fabric from Threadbear. This is the bundle that we bought to share. It's  called "Whittier Crossing". A nice addition to our repro stash.
Ann-Maree only bought the paisleys for the shop.
Today I spent the morning with another of my wonderful friends, Mazzy. I had to go to Knox, and as her hubby is in Germany, she jumped at the chance to get out of the house. We had a lovely time browsing the shops. She was looking for clothes, and I started my Christmas shopping. Christmas shopping is so much more fun when you know what you are looking for, and you have a friend to share it with. The chai latte wasn't half bad either. Thanks for a fun morning Maz.

O.K. It is 3:30pm. time to put dinner on before I pick up Jordy from After School Care. It's roast chicken tonight. Wasn't home on the week-end, so I had better feed the boys a decent meal tonight.
Until next time, be happy.

Sunday, October 17, 2010

What a month it has been!!!

Well it is official. I am a terrible blogger. For some-one who loves to talk, you would think I was better at this, but noooooo.
Anyway, on with the goss.
Let's start with today. For anyone that is into quilting, then they would know that Quilts in the Barn at Wonga Park, was on this week-end. Linda  has a wonderful husband, who built her a huge American style barn on their property. Each year she, and her many friends, holds a quilt expo to raise money for Breast Cancer Research.
This year the quilts were the amazing works of Di Ford and the Secret Sewing Sisterhood. What a fantastic name for a sewing group!

Here are some of the girls in the group (I believe there are 4 more) posing in front of the quilt that they made for Di's special birthday. Ann-Maree and I just loved this quilt. We might even attempt a smaller version for ourselves.
A lot of the money that is raised comes from the raffle quilt and I believe that the Sisterhood had a hand in making it this year.
I hope you can see it clearly enough to appreciate how lovely it is. I didn't get a phone call, so I guess I wasn't the lucky winner. I did buy the pattern though, so maybe one day I will have one.
Another quilt that I have the pattern for is this one, designed by Michelle Yeo.

                                                      At least this one I have started.
A large amount of the quilts had hundreds of different fabrics. They justify the need for buying more fabric and luckily, Threadbear from Castlemaine, was there. Even Ann-Maree bought fabric, and she owns a patchwork shop.

After we left the Barn, Ann-Maree and I, and our friends Tracey and Debra, headed to Cameo Corner in Wandin. A mixture of antiques and French provincial, it is a favourite spot of ours. I bought a lovely little dish with a cross stitch design on it. ( will post a pic tomorrow.)
From there we all headed to the Patchwork Teahouse in Warburton for lunch. There is nothing nicer than having lunch surrounded by interesting things to look at. The four of us do the same thing every year. It's always nice to have a great day out with like minded friends.
This is all I have time for tonight, but I promise to post more tomorrow. Promise!!!
Until then,



Sunday, August 15, 2010

Yes, I am still alive

I know it has been for ever since I last posted. I really don't have a GOOD excuse. Let's just say that I have been a weee bit busy (and I'm slack.)
Well what has been happening in my world of late. Ann-Maree and I have been busy designing projects for our retreat in October. As a matter of fact, she has presented me with another project only yesterday.
I think that I might post some sneak peeks at the end of the week. What do you think?
Winter is alive and well up here in the Dandenongs. With all the rain that we have had, you would expect the dams to be higher than 36%. Where does all this water go???
The twins turned 3 last Saturday and as Bec's Birthday was on Sunday, we had the 3 of them from Saturday night, until Monday morning. They are such a delight to have.

Watching Mama cooking.

I can't believe how quickly they have grown up. And of course, because there is 2 of them, we must have 2 cakes. Sponges naturally because that is what my grandma made for my birthdays.

No birthday is complete without candles and fairy bread.
Happy 3rd Birthday Tahlia and Ebony-Rose. And of course, Happy 26th Birthday to Bec.

This week-end we have Dee's kids 'cos Andrew has to work.
Mark, in his wisdom, decided to take them and Jordy up to see the snow for the first time.

Every-one knows that you MUST build the customary Snowman.

They had a great time tobogganing until some nice people stole their toboggans while they were getting hot drinks. Stressed poor Mark out to the max, but as you can see, the kids still had a wonderful time.
Next time I'm going with them, to protect Mark's sanity (if that is possible!!!!)

I really LOVE this photo of Dane, Lydia and Jordan.
Now I must go and get some sewing done, so until next time, be Happy.

Monday, April 19, 2010

Sorry for not blogging

To all my friends that have been having a dig because I haven't blogged, here it is.
The school holidays have come and gone and for the first time since Dee passed, we didn't have any of the grandkids these holidays. This meant that I was able to go out to lunch with my Friday girls. We went to the Patchwork Teahouse in Warburton, to celebrate Bev's bithday.

That's Bev on the left, Jeanette, myself and Barb is seated. You couldn't ask for more loving and supportive friends.

Can you guess how old Bev was?

Last week, Mark and I joined his family in Bright for a couple of days. I have never been there before but had been told how beautiful it is. Mark had spent a lot of his childhood holidays there and I can see why he loved it so much. I could easily spend a lot more time there myself.
We stayed in cabins at the Freeburgh Caravan park. On our first morning, we woke to brilliant sunshine with mist on the nearby hills.
                                                     Can you see the mist ?This was the view from our cabin.
While we where there, we had a family celebration for Mark's sister, Kay. She turns 50 in August, and as she lives in Myocum, northern N.S.W., we wll not get to see her then.

                                                 Kay and her mum and dad, Wen and Nev.


Mark really loves catching up with Kay, seen here with her son Sam. You can't half tell that they are brother and sister. We really hope to see more of Kay and her family from now on.
While in Bright, I bought some yummy hand-dyed wool fabric. I already have projects in mind for it, sewing related of course.
O.K. Time to get off the computer.
Until next time

Monday, April 5, 2010

Happy Easter Everyone

I hope everyone had as relaxing an Easter as we did. Mark and I spent Good Friday getting the house up to scratch and I am happy to report that my sewing room is FINALLY tidy. It made it a real pleasure to work in over the last couple of days.
Saturday saw me down at Primitive Patches and Ann-Maree and I went for our usual coffee at Hahndorf's in Black Rock. We were very suprised to be presented with a huge egg each from Jan who owns the shop. Jan is a patchworker and when ever she gets a spare moment, she joins us and loves to have a flick through the magazines that we invariably have just bought. Thank-you Jan, it was lovely.
On Sunday, Bec and the kids came over for lunch and the customary egg hunt. The egg hunt has always been Mark's job and he even had one for Bec. It really was a hoot and loved by all.
On the way to taking them home, we stopped at Belgrave Lake to feed the ducks.

There is nothing more beautiful than the wonder in the eyes of little children when they are experiencing nature.
Then of course we had to play at the playground. Tahlia squeals "Higher Pompa, higher!"

Ebony-Rose is not a big lover of swings, but loves the slide. It was a lovely family day.
Today has been a very quiet day. I drove down and picked up four more Pekin chooks and Mark spent the day in front of the T.V.
So you see, we had a lovely Easter.
Until next time,

Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Tuesday at Primitive Patches

It's Tuesday night and I'm at the shop for our friendship group. Ann-Maree has been doing her blog and is now appliqueing the Garden Party blocks to their background fabric. Because this is our raffle quilt we share the work.

Here are a few of the blocks that are finished. Only another 20 to go.
The girls are very animated tonight. This has become a really fun group lately. It was lovely to see Gloria back at the group. Hope we get to see you more often Gloria.

I finished quilting the ballerina bear quilt last night, so as I had time after my class, I got to sew on the binding.
That's next terms quilt nearly done. I will post a picture after I have finished sewing the binding down.
O.K. It's time to go home, so I had better pack up.
Until next time

Sunday, March 21, 2010

Happy Birthday Jeanette

O.K. so the day is almost over but, Happy 50th Birthday Jeanette!

Jeanette is one of the girls in my Friday night group. Her mum Barb brought this gorgeous cake on Friday night and I was able to get this great photo of Jeanette blowing out her candles.

As you can see, photograghy is not one of my many talents.

Today I actually tidied my linen cupboards, and it's not even Spring yet. I wish this sewing room was as easy to get into order.
I also made banana muffins for Mark's lunches, and finished the dresses I was making for the twins. They will look so cute with pink tights.
Tomorrow I must finish quilting my ballerina bear quilt. So that being the case, and now that "House" is over, I think I will retire for the night.
Until next time,

Monday, March 15, 2010

What a week-end!!!

So much for trying to blog on a regular basis. It has been bedlam here this week. Our daughter Bec had to be moved from Olinda to Belgrave , and to top that off, it was our week-end to have Dee's kids. It has been so long since I had seen Dane and Lydia that I didn't even know what class room Dane was in. Just the same, it was really wonderful to catch up with all of Dee's friends from the school,  and they soon pointed me in the right direction. Dane was very excited because he had had his first SRC meeting at school that day. He is sooo much like Dee in that way.She would be so proud of him. Lydia is growing in leaps and bounds. To think that 2 years ago, she could hardly talk. Now she doesn't stop, and WHY is her favourite word.
So as well as Dane and Lydia, I also had Bec's three. Five children is not as easy to look after in your 50's as it was in my 20's. The mind was willing but boy was the body weak.
Still we got through it, Bec is relocated, and I have my life back. No more running Bec's three around.Yay!
Now to the fun stuff.
When I was at the shop on Tuesday, Garden Party by Blackbird Designs had come in. This is the fabric that we are using for our raffle quilt for our October retreat.

Don't you think it looks amazing. I have done the cutting out and started sewing the blocks. Will post pictures as I go.
Until next time,

Monday, March 1, 2010

Busy day, but no sewing

Much to my disappointment, I was not able to get into my sewing room today. I had to do my Grandma duties and run two of my grandkids around. Tahlia, one of the twins, has juvenile arthritis, so she has to have regular eye checks. She passed with flying colours, so we don't need to go back again for 4 months. She is such a different kid when she is not with her twin sister, Ebony. Very chatty and animated. Normally she can't get a word in edgeways. I also had to take her big brother, Jordan, to see the new school he will be going to, starting on the 15th. Bec (my daughter) and her 3 kids are moving to Belgrave in 2 weeks. Sorry Belgrave!!! so Jordy is leaving Olinda Primary (population 17. Yes I said 17) and going to Kallista Primary (population 170). Now we know that 170 kids is still a small school but poor Jordan was totally overwhelmed by so many kids. Hopefully he won't take too long to settle in because it really is a lovely little school and the staff appear to be lovely.
Tomorrow I am teaching and have my Frienship group afterwards, so I know I will get some sewing done then.
Until next time,

Sunday, February 28, 2010

It's Sunday

Well as you can see, I have pulled out some fabrics to start "Down in the Garden". Not only that but I have started on the first block. I should have been cleaning up, but starting that was far more fun.
The other thing that I did today was go to the movies with Mark. We went to see Blind Side starring Sandra Bullock. I HIGHLY recommend it. A real "feel good" movie that is based on a true story. I believe there is a book out so I might try and find it.
Well since I am being the good little wife, I've cooked a roast for dinner, I had better go and dish up.
So until next time,

Saturday, February 27, 2010

A new project

I have just come home from a wonderful afternoon spent with Ann-Maree at Primitive Patches. How lucky am I to have a Best Friend that owns a Patchwork shop. (You would still be my best friend Ann-Maree, even without the shop.) I chose fabric for a quilt for my darling husband, Mark. He is an avid St. Kilda fan (he is watching the game as I "speak") so of course I chose black, white and red. Sounds like St. Kilda just won there game. The shouting and clapping is a dead giveaway. Any way, Mark is going hiking next week-end, so I will try and get it made then.
Leanne's House block of the month, Down In The Garden, also came in this week. We saw it at Quilt Mart last year, and I just loved it. It reminds me of Dee, my amazing daughter who passed away in December 2008, so this is going to be my therapy quilt.
I will pull fabric out for that tomorrow and show you Block 1.
O.K. Time to tidy my sewing room, ready for more sewing.
Until tomorrow,

Thursday, February 25, 2010

I'm Back

I knew that I should have started this blog at the end of the month.
I had to get these 2 bags finished by the end of February and they are FINALLY done.
I may be teaching these at AQA's syposium in September.
Time will tell.

In the meantime,I am working on new designs for cot quilts this term.
I have finished my boy design and am working on my girl design. will post photo's soon.
Well now that I have spent the night learning how to post images, I'm off to bed and will try more tomorrow.
Stay tuned. Lynne

Friday, January 22, 2010

Welcome to my first posting

Well I have finally done it. I have succumbed to pressure and started my own blog.
As this is going to be a real learning curve for me, I hope that you will all join me in this journey of discovery and have a bit of fun along the way.
This is something that Dee was always going to teach me to do, so as I don't have her to help, I guess that I will just have to get my poor husband to help me muddle my way through.
Tomorrow I will add some photos and then we can get this journey started. So until then, stay tuned.